Tuesday, 3 September 2019

My Project on Scratch, Piano Tune Maker

I have been working on this project on for a month or so. Inside the project is just a lot of simple stuff. It is quite fun to use. Check it out on Scratch if you like. Have you ever made a project like this? If so tell me. 
Here is the Link https://scratch.mit.edu/projects/319819546/


  1. Hi Liam I like your scratch piano tune maker because it looks awesome it looks like you have put colours on and it sounds fun.😃

  2. Hi Liam its Jolan I really like your Piano Tune Maker I have tried it and it is really fun to use also the sounds you used sound really good. I have a quistion where did you make it.

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. Your Scratch project was pretty cool Liam. Perhaps you can show the class how you made it. I am sure there would be others who would like to do a similar project.
